Curriculum Vitae

Name  :  Dr. Jasmine Gujarathi
Address  :  -404, Siddhidarshan Flats, Opp Bansi vihar, Behind Prathna Vihar, Anand Vidyanagar Road, Anand
Mobile No  :  -9408365891
Fax No   :  -
E-Mail  :
Website  :   Open Webiste
Date Of Joining  :  17 Nov 2008
Date & Place of Birth  :   28 Jul 1980     (Age:43)
Education  :   MS(Ayu) Prasuti tantra and Stri roga, Ph.D. in Prasuti tantra and stri roga
Reg. No  :  -G.B.I 14365
NCISM Code :  AYPS00545
Present Designation  :  PROFESSOR
Total Experience  :  17 yrs
Awards  : -First prize in poster at National Seminar, Jamnagar, July 2016, First prize in oral paper presentation at National seminar IPGT &RA, July 2019
Academics  :
Books Published : 4 Article Published : 52
CME / Seminar Attended : 100 Paper / Poster Presentation : 17
Workshops Attended : 15 Resource Person : 121
Research Project Completed : 3  
Research Work  :  Clinical study on Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, Survey on Adolescent girls for Menstrual hygiene and disorders, Uttarbasti in Female infertility. GUJCOST sponsored research project on designing and therapeutic assessment of new formulations on dysmenorrhoea and irregular menstruation

1 Apr-2004 Article Paricharya – A step towards betterment of women health
Souvenir – National Workshop - Jamnagar
2 Mar-2005 Article Phytoestrogens – A herbal alternative in minimizing the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Vol. 1, Issue 1
Chronic Inflammatory diseases and nutraceuticals
3 Sep-2009 Article A Comparative Study on the Role of Shatavari and Kukkutandatwak bhasma in minimizing the risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Vol. 30, Issue 3
4 Mar-2010 Article Shatavari - A boon for Women
Vol 9 (921)
Ayurved Patrika
5 Jan-2011 Article Phytoestrogens – A boon for aging women
Vol. 3, Issue 1
6 Jan-2012 Article Management of Cervical Erosion By Agnikarma
7 Feb-2012 Article Prevention of Breast Carcinoma and Endometrial Carcinoma in postmenopausal women through Ayurveda
Souvenir of National Seminar - Management of Cancer Through Ayurveda, RAV
8 Jul-2012 Article Designer babies through Ayurveda
Souvenir NVPASS – UGC sponsored national seminar on natural sciences
9 Jul-2012 Article Hrasa hetu Viseshasch – An Important principle from Charak Samhita
Vol 28, Issue 111
Deerghayu international journal
10 Oct-2012 Article A Pragmatic approach on Atulya gotra & Consanguinity
11 Dec-2012 Article Minimizing risk of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis through Shatavari - A clinical study.
Vol 2 Issue 1,
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
12 Apr-2013 Article A Critical Review of Gomutra Haritaki Preparation Methods
Vol 2 (2)
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific innovations.
13 May-2013 Article Managing Obesity Through Ayurveda
Vol 2(5)
International Journal of Pharmacy, biology and Allied sciences
14 Jun-2013 Article Understanding Karya Karana Vada in Ayurvedic Perspective
Vol 1(3)
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
15 Aug-2013 Article Rajaswala paricharya – menstrual taboos realistic or myth
Vol. 10
Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad
16 Sep-2013 Article Designer babies – Current trends & Ayurveda
Vol. 5
17 Dec-2013 Article Prevalance of Menstrual taboos with special reference to Ayurvedic Rajaswala Paricharya in young adolescent girls
National seminar – Ayush vivek parishad
18 Jan-2014 Article Garbha Samskara : Prenatal Education – Concepts, Practices and Future trends
Vol. 2
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
19 Feb-2014 Article Prevalance of Menstrual taboos with special reference to Ayurvedic Rajaswala Paricharya in young girls
Vol. 6
20 Feb-2014 Article Hypothesis – Who is responsible for the sex of the offspring
Trends in Medical Research
21 Apr-2014 Article Indian and Global Scenario of Ayurveda: Reality Bites.
Vol 11
Journal of Vishva Ayurved Parishad
22 Aug-2014 Article Rajaswala Paricharya : Menstrual taboos - Myths and Facts.
Vol 10(7-8)
Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad,
23 Aug-2014 Article Contemporary Practices Of Menstrual Hygiene And Its Management Adopted By The Young Girls Of Hostel And Rural Areas Of Anand District Of Gujarat: A Cross Sectional Study
-Vol 2(11)
International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences
24 Oct-2014 Article Prevention and Management of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women through Ayurveda.
Vol 22
25 Jan-2015 Article Critical review of shaddharana yoga: a polyherbal formulation
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
26 Jul-2015 Article Understanding Of Diagnosis And Management Of Swine Flu Through Ayurveda
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
27 Jul-2015 Article Diagnosis and Management of Anukta Vyadhi (Undescribed Diseases) Through Ayurveda
28 Jan-2016 Article Garbha Samskara
V. Vidyanagar
29 May-2016 Article Uttarbasti In The Management Of Female Infertility W.S.R. To Anvoulation -Case Series
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic medicine
30 Jul-2016 Article Editorial : Practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Ayurveda : Scope, Limitations and Guidelines
Vol 4(3)
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
31 Sep-2016 Article Role Of Zingiber Officinale R. In Dysmenorrhoea: A Selective Ayurvedic And ContemporaryMedicine Documentation;
Vol 5(5)
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific innovation
ISSN : 2277 –4572
32 Dec-2016 Article Pharmacological appraisal of cuminum cyminum in dysmenorrhoea: an ayurvedic approach inconsideration of current evidences
Vol 4 Issue 12: 29-34
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Sciences :
ISSN: 2322 – 0910,
33 Jan-2017 Article Upgrading Social health through Ayurveda:
Vol 24, Issue 4,PP. 37 to 43:
ISSN 0971-684
34 May-2017 Article Shwetapradara : Karano ane tena Upaya
Vol 19(5)
V Vidyanagar
ISSN 0976-9609
35 Jun-2017 Article Complications and management of Uttarbasti
Vol 6(1)
Ayurvedamruttam News letter
ISSN : 2394-1286
36 Aug-2017 Article Effect of Shatpushpa in female infertility w.s.r to anovulatory factor: a review study
Vol 5(5)
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
37 Aug-2017 Article Rajaswala Paricharya – Stri swasthya sutra mala – part I
Vol 19 Issue 8, pp 30-32
V Vidyanagar
ISSN 0976-9609
38 Oct-2017 Article Garbhini Paricharya - Stri swasthya sutra mala – part 2
V Vidyanagar
ISSN 0976-9609
39 Dec-2017 Article Prevention Against CVD, Osteoporosis And Carcinoma In Postmenopausal Women Through Phytoestrogen: A Review Study;
-Vol 6(17)
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
40 Mar-2018 Article Women Issues and Health : Step towards betterment through Ayurveda
Ayursoukhya Journal
41 Nov-2018 Article Amenorrhoea an Ayurveda perspective
World Journal of Pharmaceutical research
ISSN : 2277-7105
42 Feb-2019 Article Heavy metal analysis of raw Kaseesa by Inductively Coupled Plasma
Vol 6(2)
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
43 May-2019 Article Designer babies and Ayurveda
UNHI -GAP India 2019 International Conference : Proceeding Book : Possibilities and Probabiliites of Higher Education of Asia
ISBN 978-623-91211-3-6
44 Oct-2019 Article Prevalence of Menstrual taboos amongst young girls in Gujarat -A survey study
Vol 3 Issue 1
GAP Interdisciplinarities
ISSN 2581-5828
45 Nov-2019 Article Maintaining women health through Ayurveda : A review study
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
46 Nov-2019 Article Cross sectional survey study on prevalence of menstrual taboos among young girls in Anand district of Gujarat
-Vol 7(5)
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
47 Dec-2020 Article Randomized Open Labelled Clinical Trial of Herbal Cookies and Herbal Soup on Dysmenorrhoea -A Gujcost Sponsored Minor Research Project
Vol 5(1) Nov 2020
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
48 Dec-2020 Article Physiology of emotions and women health : A review study
Emotion: A multidisciplinary inquiry AURA books international California
ISBN 978-1-954467-00-2
49 Mar-2021 Article A Pragmatic approach towards menstrual practices : A contemporary, Cultural and Ayurveda science review
VOL8(1): 3056-63.
50 May-2021 Article Sutika Paricharya - Stri Swasthya sutra mala part 3
Issue 595,PP 36-39
V Vidyanagar
ISSN 0976-9609
51 Nov-2022 Article Systemic Review on the Role of Uttara Basti karma In Female Infertility
Vol 10 Issue 5 pp 10-21
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
52 Jan-2023 Article Case Studies on Female Infertility with Intra-Uterine Insemination and Ayurveda Management Protocol
9(2) 2-4
53 Jun-2023 Article Rakta (Blood) Vs Raja (Menstrual Blood): A Critical Analysis
12( Issue 8),2033-2041
European Chemical Bulletin
54 Jun-2023 Article Attitude and perceptions related with menstrual practices among adult men from rural and urban areas of Anand district of Gujarat, India 2023;
Volume -12 , issue-8 : Page: 2042-2054
European Chemical Bulletin
Vol 13, Issue 9, page 342-350
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
ISSN 2277–7105, Impact factor 8.4

1 Mar-2013 Book Minimizing risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis through Asaparagus racemosus ( Shatavari )
Lambert Academic Publishing - Germany
ISBN -978-3-659-34954-6
2 Dec-2014 Book Concept and Applied Aspect Of Vishesha (The Variant Factor).
Lambert Academic publishing – Germany.
ISBN 978-3-659-64557-0
3 Dec-2017 Book Garbha Samskara : Concept of Practices of Healthy Progeny as Envisaged in Ayurveda
Guru Design Shop
ISBN 978-93-81471-76-0

Updated on : 17-Jun-2024
