Academic Activities

Panchamahabhuta & PedagogyAyurveda Research publications: Navigating Challenges and Unlocking opportunitiesCurriculum Evolution in Ayurveda: Integrating Competency Based Education and Development in UG and PG ProgramsUnlocking Opportunities for Growth and Collaboration in Ayurveda AcademiaUse of Herbs of Ayurveda for Healing & wellnessAchieving Excellence: NABET a Catalyst in Strengthening Ayurveda AcademiaAchieving NABH Accreditation: A path to Excellence for Ayurveda HospitalExploring Effective Assessment Methods in EducationCurrent research trends and projects by CCRAS with publicationsInnovate Ayurveda: A Design Thinking Workshop for Entrepreneurial SuccessCOMMUNICATION SKILLS ON BATCH-2023Entrepreneurship Awareness Program
Sr. NoDateTypeTopic NameSpeaker(s)
1 20-02-2025 CMEManagement of BPHDr. SUNIL VYAS
2 05-02-2025 FDPPanchakarma Therapists Training Programme - Training on Samsarjana Krama & Tarpanadi Krama
Organised by the Department of Panchakarma in association with the Department of Swasthavritta
Dr. Ruddri Raval
3 05-02-2025 CMEDr.Mala Kapadia
4 05-02-2025 CMEDr.Supriya Bhalerao
5 05-02-2025 CMEProf.Dr.B.S Prasad
6 05-02-2025 CMEProf.Dr.Tanuja Nesari
7 04-02-2025 CMEVd.Bhupesh Patel
8 04-02-2025 CMEMs.Madhu Ahluwalia
9 04-02-2025 CMEProf.Dr.Pranita Joshi
10 04-02-2025 CMEProf.Dr.Mohan Joshi
11 03-02-2025 CMELeadership Strategies for Sustained Excellence in Ayurveda InstitutionsProf.Dr.K.S.Dhiman
12 03-02-2025 CMEProf.Dr.Rabinarayana Acharya
13 03-02-2025 CMEManaging Medical emergencies through Ayurvedic approachesVd.Upendra Dixit
14 24-01-2025 FDPPanchakarma Therapists Training Programme - Training on Preparation of Kashaya
Swarasa & Ksheerapaka Kalpana
Organised by the Department of Panchakarma in association with the Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
Dr. Prapti Jivrajani
15 21-01-2025 FDPPanchakarma Therapists Training Programme - Training on Basic Anatomy
Organised by Dept. of Panchakarma in association with Department of Rachana Shareera
Dr. Nilesh Kasar
16 15-10-2024 Guest Lect.Agnikarma
the hidden and traditional Ayurveda Treatment
Vaidyaratnam Dr. Sandip Patel
17 15-10-2024 WorkshopDr. Nishant Gopalan Atmiya University
18 27-09-2024 PDPDr. Rohit Bagthariya
Assistant Professor
H. M. Patel Institute of English Training & Research
19 18-07-2024 WebinarClinical Approach To Niruha VikalpasDr. Priyadarshani Arvind Kadus
20 10-05-2024 WebinarVrikshayurveda: The Science of Plant LifeDr. Tarun Sharma
21 02-05-2024 WebinarVamana Sambhasha 1. Guidance to conduct successful Vamana smoothly 2. To handle mishaps occuring during VamanaProf. Dr. Sachin Chandaliya
22 02-05-2024 WebinarVamana SambhashaProf. Dr. Sachin Chandaliya
23 30-04-2024 Guest Lect.Practical approach in kriyakalpaProf. Vd. Haridar Dave
24 26-04-2024 Guest Lect.Heat strokeDr. Viren H shah
25 24-04-2024 Guest Lect.Activate your potential for ayurved start-up excellenceDr. Yashwant Patel
26 24-04-2024 Guest Lect.Scope of entrepreneurial competencies for ayurved professionalsDr. Aniket Shilwant
27 24-04-2024 Guest Lect.Dr. Yashvant Patel
Dean Entrepreneurship CVMU Dr. Aniket Shilwant
28 17-01-2024 Guest Lect.An overview of GlaucomaDr Ganga R Hadimani
29 20-10-2023 Webinar"Samhita sangoshthi" (Pratham Pushpa) - Clinical Application of Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana - Chapter 1 to 15Dr Hrishikesh B Mhetre
30 10-10-2023 WebinarKottakkal Protocol for the management of children with Cerebral PalsyDr Dinesh K S
31 22-08-2023 WorkshopSensitization Workshop on Agri Business Incubation and Business Development in Medicinal and Aromatic PlantsDr. R. Nagaraja Reddy Dr. Snehalkumar Patel
32 05-08-2023 CMEAyurveda Anweshana - Development of Universally acceptable terms and Codes in AyurvedaDr T Saketh Ram
33 04-08-2023 CMEAyurveda Anweshana - Database & Research MatricesDr Galib
34 22-07-2023 WebinarAyurveda Anweshana - Open access publishing and UGC care list for Ayurveda JournalsDr Shubhada Nagarkar
35 15-07-2023 WebinarAyurveda Anweshana - Scientific conduct in researchDr Supriya Bhalerao
36 13-07-2023 CMEProduct information - Balaji Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturer
Ankit Nirmal
37 08-07-2023 WebinarAyurveda Anweshana - Importance of biomarkers in Ayurveda researchDr Mukund Sabnis
38 01-07-2023 WebinarAyurveda Anweshana - A Webinar Series
Publication ethics in Research
Dr Kishor Patwardhan
39 02-05-2023 WorkshopRefresher Workshop on GCP and Ethical issues in ResearchDinesh Kumar
Barna Ganguly
Swapnil S Agarwal
Dr. Swati Roy
Dr. Jagdish Varma
40 26-04-2023 WebinarUse of modern Diagnostic Methods in Ayurvedic DiagnosisDr Ranjit Nimbalkar
41 12-01-2023 Guest Lect.Motivational talk on "Design your Destiny"Bhrahma Kumari Krutiben
42 30-11-2022 WebinarAyurveda in AIDS:Challenges and OpportunitiesDr.Mandip Goyal
43 21-11-2022 Guest Lect.Pharmacology of Antibiotic DrugsDr. Santosh Diwakar
44 19-11-2022 CMEAwareness talks on values of Omkara ChantingOm Narmada bahan
Om Hema bahan
Om Sandeep Kumar
Om Sarla bahan
Om Sudheer bhai
45 19-11-2022 Guest Lect.Motivational talks for all staffs and studentsDr. Kamendu Thakar
46 18-06-2022 WebinarClinical Pediatric w. s. r. to KaumarbhrityaDr. Apexa Vyas
47 21-04-2022 WebinarConcept and Management of Diabetes Mellitus in AyurvedaProf. H.M. Chandola
48 16-03-2022 WebinarEnhancing Mental Health Through PanchakarmaDr. S. H. Acharya
49 03-01-2022 CME6 Days CME in PTSR
Sponsored by Ministry of Ayush
Govt. of India
Coordinated by National Academy of Ayurveda
New Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) Sujata Kadam
Prof. (Dr.) Asokan Vasudevan
Prof. (Dr.) Jasmine Gujarathi
Prof. (Dr.) Bharathi Kumaramangalam
Prof. (Dr.) Shilpa Donga
Dr. Kamini Dhiman
Prof. (Dr.) Rupali Mahadik
Dr. Anuradha Roy
Dr. Premraj Khairnar
Prof. (Dr.) Laxmipriya Dei
Dr. Rama Shrivastava
Prof. (Dr.) Neha Pandya
Dr. Amrita Mishra
Dr. Hetal Dave
50 07-08-2021 WebinarLactational Disorders & it's Management
Human milk microbiome : A Perspective to Healthy and Infected Individual
Dr.Shilpa B. Donga
Dr.Anju Kunjadiya
51 28-07-2021 WebinarLIVER CARE THROUGH AYURVEDADr. Deep V C
52 10-07-2021 WorkshopFunding Agencies and Grants : Exploring Funding Opportunities - Day 3Dr. Rabinarayan Acharya
53 03-07-2021 WorkshopWriting Research Grant Proposal - Day 2Dr. Rabinarayan Acharya
54 26-06-2021 WorkshopWriting Research Proposal - Day 1Dr. Rabinarayan Acharya
55 12-06-2021 WebinarYoga Practices in COVID 19Ms. Deepa S. Rathore
56 05-06-2021 WebinarBiodiversity and AyurvedaDr. T. S. Bairy
57 28-05-2021 WebinarNational Webinar on Marketing & Entrepreneurship Strategy from Panchakarma point of viewProf. (Dr.) B. Sreenivasa Prasad
58 05-05-2021 WorkshopSwachhata Action PlanDr. Mahesh Chopde
59 01-05-2021 WebinarScientific Writing and Publication EthicsDr. Supriya Bhalerao
60 28-04-2021 WebinarPractical Applications of Madhuthailika BastiDr Nitin Bhise
61 24-04-2021 WebinarParralance Of Modern Laboratory Test and Ayurvedic Saama - Niraama Concept
Concept of Infectious Diseases in view of Ayurveda
Dr. Parameeswarappa S Byadgi
Dr. Jitendra Varsakiya
62 15-04-2021 WebinarInvigorate your mind for Ayurveda StartupsDr. Yashvant D. Patel
63 07-04-2021 WebinarSadvritta and Aachar Rasayan as a preventive measure for Life Style DisorderVd. Arpan Bhatt
Ayurvedic Physiology - Soul of Clinical Practice
Insights of Ayurvedic Physiology for Biomedical Research

Dr. Prasad Dilip Pandakar
Dr. Pranita Joshi Deshmukh
Indian Culture of Rituals and Festivals - A healthy way to boost the immunity
Traditional techniques of coocking: Ayurvedic perspective with scientific evidences

Vd. Suvinay Damle
Vd. Mangalagowri Rao
66 15-10-2020 WebinarSHARADIYA PANCHKARMA 2020
Seasonal Aspects Of Panchkarma
Revisiting Shonita Avasechana (blood letting) in the context of health maintenance

Prof. Dr. Anup Thakar
Prof. Dr. S H Acharya
67 08-10-2020 WebinarSAMHITA 2020 - A National Webinar
Clinical Application of Sushruta Samhita
Clinical Application of Charaka Samhita

Prof. Shreevathsa
Dr. Mohan Joshi
68 27-08-2020 WebinarNational Webinar on
Langer's Lines
Importance of Trimarma

Dr. Sumedh Sonavane
Dr. Kalpana Raje
69 20-06-2020 WebinarWebinar on Combating Stress Through YogaDr. Vijaykumar P.S.
70 16-01-2020 Guest Lect.Research and Publication in AyurvedaDr Supriya Bhalerao
71 01-01-2020 Guest Lect.Relevance in Yagna in Present EraDr Anil Jha
72 21-12-2019 PDPSelf-Awareness - For all batch students - BAMS 1st & 2nd yearMiss Kunjan Shaha
73 20-12-2019 PDPRelationship management & being professional - BAMS 2nd yearMr Dharmesh
Miss Rashmi
74 20-12-2019 PDPSocial intelligence & decision making - BAMS 3rd yearMr Dharmesh
Miss Rashmi
75 19-12-2019 PDPBody language & vocal communication - BAMS 1st yearMr Steven
Mrs Snighdha
76 19-12-2019 PDPStress management & public speak - BAMS 3rd yearMr Chintan
Miss Rashmi
77 19-12-2019 PDPPublic speaking - BAMS 4th yearMr Steven
Mrs Snigdha
78 18-12-2019 PDPTime management & Image building - BAMS 1st yearMiss Himaxi
Mrs Snighdha
79 18-12-2019 PDPSelf-projection - BAMS 4th yearMiss Himaxi
Mrs Snighdha
80 17-12-2019 PDPSelf-presentation
confidence - BAMS 1st year
Miss Himaxi
Mrs Snighdha
81 17-12-2019 PDPProblem solving & team work - BAMS 4th yearMiss Neetu
Miss Himaxi
82 18-11-2019 CMESix Days CME in Rachana Sharir
Sponsored by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Ministry of AYUSH
Govt. of India
New Delhi.
Dr Shamasundar
Dr Chanamallikarjun
Dr Sunil kumar
Dr B G Kulkarni
Dr Nilesh Kasar
Dr Sumedh S
Dr Atul Jain
Dr Sanjay Pandit
Dr S P Tiwari
Dr Bindu K K
Dr T C Singel
Dr Deepak Mehta
Dr Saroj Patil
83 25-06-2019 WorkshopTwo days Workshop in department of Sanskrit Samhita SiddhantDr Aparna Deshpande
Dr Ritesh Gujarathi
Dr Vaibhav Dadu
Dr Dilip Nalge
Dr Manoj Upadhyay
Dr Vasudev Raval
Dr Pritesh Shukla
Dr Jatin Purkha
84 09-01-2019 PDPImage Management + Etiquette + Body language - BAMS 1st yearMiss Nilakshi
85 09-01-2019 PDPImage Management + Etiquette + Body language - BAMS 2nd yearMiss Prachiti
86 09-01-2019 PDPImage Management + Etiquette + Body language - BAMS 3rd yearMiss Prachiti
87 09-01-2019 PDPImage Management + Etiquette + Body language + Interview skills - BAMS 4th yearMiss Nilakshi
88 08-01-2019 PDPCommunication skills & positive attitude - BAMS 2nd yearMiss Bhumika Swarnkar
89 08-01-2019 PDPCommunication skills & positive attitude - BAMS 3rd yearMr Subranshu Patnaik
90 08-01-2019 PDPCommunication skills & positive attitude - BAMS 4th yearKanan Malde
91 07-01-2019 PDPSelf-awareness - BAMS 1st & 2nd yearMr Gaurang Mistry
92 07-01-2019 PDPSelf-awareness - BAMS 3rd & 4th yearMr Gaurang Mistry
93 29-06-2018 WorkshopWorkshop in department of Sanskrit Samhita SiddhantGAU S.S. Dept Faculties
94 24-12-2017 CME6 days CME in Samhita SiddhantaDr R K Dwivedi
Dr Hitesh Vyas
Dr Aparna Deshpande
Dr Ritesh Gujarathi
Dr Shrirang Galgali
Dr Sweta Prajapati
Dr Avichal Chattopadhyay
Dr U D Rawal
Dr Mona Saraf
Dr Santosh Nair
Dr Asit Panja
Dr Mahesh Vyas
95 04-12-2017 CME6 Days CME in SwasthavrittaDr Arpan Bhatta
Dr Mangalagauri Rav
Dr Kamlesh Kumar Sharma
Dr Jagannath Dikshit
Dr Kashinath Samgadi
Dr Parthiv Bhatta
Dr Sudhakar Reddy
Dr Dinesh Bhandari
Dr Sulakshana Jaybhaye
Dr Jayant D.
Dr Sajitha K
Dr Deepak Sharma
96 29-08-2017 CMEOsteoporosisDr Ghanshyam Patel
97 02-07-2017 CMESix Days CME in Dravyaguna
Sponsored by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Ministry of AYUSH
Govt. of India
New Delhi.
Dr. V K Joshi
Dr. Manasi Deshpande
Dr. K. Nishteshwar
Dr. J.L.N. Shastry
Dr. R.B.N Acharya
Dr. B. Ravishankar
Dr. Dilip Jani
Dr. H. L. Daduk
Dr. Pankaj Wanjarkhedkar
Dr Ashwin Trivedi
Dr. Malhari Sirdeshpande
Dr. T. Nesari
98 23-06-2017 CMEManaging the Rheumatic Condition – An integrative approachDr Vijay Singh Chauhan
99 08-03-2017 Guest Lect.Motivational SpeechVd S. Oza
100 22-01-2017 Guest Lect.NAACDr Shilpa Gupte
101 21-09-2016 CME7th WAC Satellite Seminar 2016Vd Hitesh Vaja
Vd Dharmendra Patel
102 01-09-2016 Guest Lect.Emergency Management through AyurvedaDr Narendra Gujarathi
103 10-08-2016 Guest Lect.Mediclaim etc in Ayurvedic practiceDr Prerak Shah
104 09-08-2016 Guest Lect.Dengue Awareness CampaignDr Satish Patil
105 27-06-2016 Guest Lect.Gow Vigyan – Classics to ClinicsDr Hitesh Jani
106 21-06-2016 Guest Lect.Yoga & Stress managementDr Ripudaman C.
107 30-05-2016 Workshop2 Days State Level Teachers Training Workshop on Research Methodology - Experiments
Control & Repetitions
Dr. Nilanjan Roy
108 21-04-2016 WorkshopState Level Effective classroom interaction - Teacher Training WorkshopProf. Sulabha Nataraj
109 19-02-2016 Guest Lect.Globalization of AyurvedaKaviraj Harishankara Sharma
110 30-12-2015 CMESix Days CME in Roganidan
Sponsored by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Ministry of AYUSH
Govt. of India
New Delhi.
Dr. S. N. Oza
Dr. S. K. Khandel
Dr. Pawankumar Godatwar
Dr. S. H. Acharya
Dr. Deepak Mehta
Dr. Menka Shah
Dr. Anand Pol
Dr. Apurva Patel
Dr. N. Haridas
Dr. Madhav Diggavi
Dr. Gopkumar
Dr. Anand More
Dr. Ranjit Nimbalkar
111 14-12-2015 CMESix Days CME in RSBK
Sponsored by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Ministry of AYUSH
Govt. of India
New Delhi.
Prof. P. K. Prajapati
Dr. Galib
Prof. Laxmikant Dwivedi
Dr. L. B. Singh
Dr. J. S. Patel
Prof. S. S. Savarikar
Dr. D. R. Lohar
Dr. K. Shankar Rao
Dr. T. N Nagaraja
Dr. P. Suresh
Prof. Krishnamurthy M.S
Dr. Janardan Panday
Dr. Rajeev Sharma
112 29-09-2015 WorkshopState Level GAU - Teacher Training Programme - SRPT & BalrogaFaculty GAU
113 17-07-2015 CMELife Style DisorderDr Satish Udeg
114 02-07-2015 Cap. CourseAntihypertensive
Dr Sandip Patel
115 01-07-2015 Cap. CourseAnalgesics
Dr Sandip Patel
116 25-06-2015 Cap. CourseAnaesthetics
CNS depressants
Dr Sandip Patel
117 08-06-2015 Guest Lect.Ayurveda and Darshan ShastraSwami Vivekanand
118 25-03-2015 CMEFistula in Ano Methods of Tooth ExtractionDr Harvardhan Jobanputra
Dr Haridra Dave
119 23-12-2014 Cap. CourseVertigoDr Sujay Joshi
120 12-12-2014 Guest Lect.AYUSH services with latest developmentDr Sudhir Joshi
121 14-11-2014 Guest Lect.Genetics & Genetic engineering in AyurvedaDr Hitesh Jani
122 03-11-2014 Cap. CourseFissureDr Paresh Dave
123 07-10-2014 CMEClinical Research in AyurvedaDr Nilanjay Roy
124 26-09-2014 Cap. CourseThalassemiaDr Rahul Tondon
125 19-09-2014 WorkshopSeven Laws of Teaching Student’s Behaviour ManagementMr. Sarwan Singh
126 15-09-2014 Guest Lect.Teacher - Student RelationshipDr Vasudev Rawal
127 30-07-2014 CMECME in Kayachikitsa for 6 daysDr R H Singh
Dr Ajaykumar Sharma
Dr M S Baghel
Dr H M Chandola
Dr Santosh Kumar Bhatted
Dr Murlidhar Sharma
Dr Narsiha Murthy
Dr Sajib Rastogi
Dr A R V Murthy
Dr Manchak Kendre
128 26-05-2014 Workshop6 Days Faculty Development ProgrammeFaculty HMPIET&R
129 08-05-2014 Cap. CourseEar anatomy
Otitis media
Dr Sujay Joshi
130 28-03-2014 Cap. CourseNose anatomy
Dr Sujay Joshi
131 22-03-2014 CMEPanchakarma in General Practice w.s.r. to Raktamokshana Clinical Management of Heel Pain and Shoulder PainVd Vinay Velankar
Vd Mangesh Deshpande
132 20-03-2014 Guest Lect.PanchakarmaProf. E. Surendran
133 13-03-2014 Guest Lect.Astro-AyurvedaDr Vinod Thakkar
134 18-02-2014 Cap. CourseIntroduction to ENTDr Sujay Joshi
135 08-01-2014 Cap. CourseEpilepsyDr Rahul Tondon
136 07-01-2014 CMEUnderstanding of ECG - Part IVDr Manoj Takle
137 03-01-2014 CMEModern Concept of Ophthalmology in Ayurveda Ancient Ocular Pharmaco-therapeutics- An Integrated approachDr Samir Bhavsar
Dr Rajesh Gadhiya
138 02-01-2014 CMEManagement of Rheumatoid Arthritis through Ayurveda Management of VatavyadhiDr Ram Mohan
Dr Vijit Sasidhar
139 31-12-2013 Guest Lect.Research Project Design (Problem Identification
Literary Survey etc: A Check List)
Dr Nilanjan Roy
140 24-12-2013 CMEUnderstanding of ECG - Part IIIDr Manoj Takle
141 19-12-2013 Cap. CourseRenal CalculiDr Paresh Dave
142 17-12-2013 Cap. CourseCase DiscussionDr Sujay Joshi
143 07-12-2013 Cap. CourseAnalgesics
Dr Sandip Patel
144 07-12-2013 Cap. CourseAnalgesics
Dr Sandip Patel
145 28-11-2013 CMEUnderstanding of ECG - Part IIDr Manoj Takle
146 22-11-2013 CMEPanchakarma in General practice Research updates in PanchakarmaDr Ramdas Avhad
Dr Yogesh Deole
147 14-11-2013 CME3 Days Charaka SamhitaDr Dharmadhikari
Dr A.V. Bakre
148 13-09-2013 Cap. CourseAntibiotics
Local anti-septic
Dr Sandip Patel
149 07-09-2013 Cap. CourseFissureDr Paresh Dave
150 05-09-2013 CMEAshtanga Hridaya in Clinical Practice Applied Aspect of Charaka SamhitaDr Hitesh Vyas
Prof. U. D. Rawal
151 03-09-2013 CMEUnderstanding of ECG - Part IDr Manoj Takle
152 23-08-2013 Cap. CourseHormonal therapy
Dr Sandip Patel
153 13-08-2013 CMEHerbomineral Preparations & Metallic Preparations - Panacea to the ailing humanity Rasayan Prayoga Vidhi of Paradadi Yoga.Dr Galib
Prof. L. K. Dwivedi
154 10-08-2013 Cap. CourseHistory takingDr Sujay Joshi
155 19-07-2013 Cap. CourseAntihypertensive
Dr Sandip Patel
156 18-07-2013 CMEGMP Practices Study of Bhasma w.r.t loha bhasmaProf. L. B. Sing
Prof. L. K. Dwivedi
157 16-07-2013 Cap. CourseBronchodilators
Dr Sandip Patel
158 04-07-2013 Guest Lect.Management of General ConditionsDr Narayan Prakash
159 02-07-2013 Guest Lect.Ayurveda in Present PerspectiveProf. G. S. Tomar
160 26-06-2013 Cap. CourseVertigoDr Sujay Joshi
161 22-06-2013 Guest Lect.Biochemical Basis of TridoshaDr Mukund Sabnis
162 22-06-2013 Guest Lect.Clinical Research in AyurvedaDr Mukund Sabnis
163 19-06-2013 Guest Lect.Mode of Action of Ayurvedic Drugs and Trividha DravyaDr A. N. Sing
164 19-06-2013 Cap. CourseAcute AbdomenDr Paresh Dave
165 09-06-2013 Cap. CourseDigestive
Dr Sandip Patel
166 07-05-2013 Cap. CourseAnaesthetics
CNS depressants
Dr Sandip Patel
167 07-05-2013 Cap. CourseAnaesthetics
CNS depressants
Dr Sandip Patel
168 16-04-2013 Cap. CourseExamination of UlcerDr Paresh Dave
169 05-04-2013 CMERecent Advances in Diagnostic
Test Clinical Methods In Ayurveda
Dr Menka Shah
Dr Anand Pol
170 21-03-2013 Cap. CourseLaparoscopy and HysteroscopyDr Alpa Shah
171 14-03-2013 Cap. CourseLymphatic SystemDr Paresh Dave
172 26-02-2013 Cap. CourseOtitis mediaDr Sujay Joshi
173 22-02-2013 Cap. CourseHernia OperationDr Paresh Dave
174 21-02-2013 Cap. CourseAnaemia in PregnancyDr Alpa Shah
175 08-01-2013 Cap. CourseDeafnessDr Sujay Joshi
176 13-12-2012 Cap. CourseExamination of PatientDr Alpa Shah
177 12-11-2012 Cap. CourseCase discussionDr Paresh Dave
178 09-11-2012 Cap. CourseAnal DisorderDr Paresh Dave
179 04-11-2012 Cap. CourseRenal CalculiDr Paresh Dave
180 15-10-2012 CMEHolistic Antenatal Care
Healthy Progeny Through Ayurveda
Prof. Smruti Vaishanav
Dr Jasmine Gujarathi
181 07-10-2012 Cap. CourseIntro to SurgeryDr Paresh Dave
182 01-10-2012 Cap. CourseFissure
Dr Paresh Dave
183 25-09-2012 Cap. CourseHistory takingDr Sujay Joshi
184 30-08-2012 Cap. CourseHistory takingDr Paresh Dave
185 24-08-2012 CMERespiratory DisorderDr Shrikant
186 23-08-2012 Cap. CourseAmenorrhoeaDr Alpa Shah
187 21-08-2012 Guest Lect.Scope of Ayurveda in AbroadDr Subhash Ranade
188 31-07-2012 Guest Lect.Integral Approach to HealthDr Bhalendu Vaishnav
189 26-07-2012 Guest Lect.Key to Successfully Overcoming Challenges in LifeDr Bihag Lalaji
190 26-07-2012 Cap. CoursePt examination P/ADr Alpa Shah
191 24-07-2012 Cap. CourseIntro to ENTDr Sujay Joshi
192 13-07-2012 CMEPrinciples and Practices in PsoriasisProf. B.D. Nadavadekar
Dr Alnkruta Dave
193 15-06-2012 Cap. CoursePractical examinationDr Paresh Dave
194 07-05-2012 Cap. CourseCaesarean SectionDr Alpa Shah
195 16-04-2012 CMEClinical Experiences in Ayurveda PractiseDr Harinath Zha
Dr Hirendra Joshi
196 28-03-2012 Cap. CourseCase discussionDr Sujay Joshi
197 14-03-2012 Cap. CourseFissure
Dr Paresh Dave
198 12-03-2012 CME5 Days CME for Medical Officer Sponsored by Dept. AYUSH12 Speakers
199 28-02-2012 Cap. CourseOtitis mediaDr Sujay Joshi
200 21-02-2012 Cap. CourseEmesis gravidum & AnaemiaDr Alpa Shah
201 17-01-2012 CME2 Days CME on Clinical Application of Charak SamhitaProf. C.P.Shukla
202 12-01-2012 CMEManagement of HTN with Ayurvedic DrugsProf. Dilip Pandya
203 30-12-2011 Cap. CourseAntenatal ExaminationDr Alpa Shah
204 27-12-2011 Cap. CourseCase DiscussionDr Sujay Joshi
205 20-12-2011 Cap. CourseHerniaDr Paresh Dave
206 09-12-2011 Guest Lect.We are at crossroadDr Vijaysingh Chauhan
207 07-12-2011 Cap. CourseClinicsDr Paresh Dave
208 04-12-2011 Cap. CourseClinical ExaminationDr Paresh Dave
209 22-11-2011 Cap. CourseDigestive. Carminative. Antacid. Antiulcer. Laxative. Antidiarrheals. Antiemetics.Dr Sandip Patel
210 14-11-2011 Cap. CourseAntihypertensive. Antianginal. Antiplatelet. Haemopoietic. Coagulants.Dr Sandip Patel
211 11-11-2011 Cap. CourseAnaesthetics. CNS depressants. Sedative. Hypnotics. Tranquilisers. Analgesics. Antiepileptic.Dr Sandip Patel
212 27-09-2011 Cap. CourseIntroduction of ENTDr Sujay Joshi
213 20-09-2011 Cap. CourseAntenatal ExaminationDr Alpa Shah
214 16-09-2011 CMEAyurveda Dravyaguna
Camels Milk - Research
Dr Nishtheshwar
Dr Vadhvani
215 13-09-2011 Cap. CourseHerniaDr Paresh Dave
216 23-08-2011 Cap. CourseCase DiscussionDr Sujay Joshi
217 03-08-2011 Cap. CourseHistory takingDr Paresh Dave
218 26-07-2011 Cap. CourseLSCSDr Alpa Shah
219 26-07-2011 Cap. CourseCase DiscussionDr Sujay Joshi
220 12-07-2011 Cap. CourseBronchodilators. Aerosols/Inhalants. ExpectorantsDr Sandip Patel
221 06-07-2011 Cap. CourseAnaesthesiaDr Paresh Dave
222 28-06-2011 Cap. CourseGynec OperationsDr Alpa Shah
223 19-04-2011 Cap. CourseCarcinomaDr Alpa Shah
224 19-04-2011 Cap. CourseSonography PracticalDr Jayesh Bhatt
225 23-03-2011 Cap. CourseNose ENTDr Sujay Joshi
226 22-03-2011 Cap. CourseUSGDr Jayesh Bhatt
227 21-03-2011 CMEMental health in Ayurveda - An Overview
Rationale of Ayurvedic Psychiatry - An Overview
Dr S. K. Khandel
Dr A.R.V. Murthy
228 15-03-2011 Cap. CoursePregnancy ComplicationDr Alpa Shah
229 01-03-2011 Cap. CourseDrug acting on Nervous systemDr Sandip Patel
230 22-02-2011 Cap. CourseP/V - P/S ExaminationDr Alpa Shah
231 22-02-2011 Cap. CourseUSGDr Jayesh Bhatt
232 22-02-2011 Cap. CoursePatient DiscussionDr Sujay Joshi
233 15-02-2011 Cap. CourseClinical ExaminationDr Paresh Dave
234 18-01-2011 Cap. CourseAntenatal CareDr Alpa Shah
235 31-12-2010 Guest Lect.Should We Know About Gayatri MantraDr Anil Jha
236 21-12-2010 Cap. CourseCarcinoma of UterusDr Alpa Shah
237 14-12-2010 Cap. CourseAcute AbdomenDr Paresh Dave
238 13-12-2010 Cap. CourseDrug acting on cardiac systemDr Sandip Patel
239 23-11-2010 Cap. CourseForceps DeliveryDr Alpa Shah
240 16-11-2010 Cap. CourseHerniaDr Paresh Dave
241 18-10-2010 Cap. CourseDynamics - drug metabolism. ED 50. LD50Dr Sandip Patel
242 12-10-2010 Cap. CourseClinical ExaminationDr Paresh Dave
243 27-09-2010 Cap. CourseRoute of drug administration in detailDr Sandip Patel
244 13-09-2010 Cap. CourseTerminologies. Route of drug administrationDr Sandip Patel
245 20-08-2010 Cap. CourseCataractDr Alpesh Shah
246 16-07-2010 CMEPrinciples of Pharmacy
Principles of Panchakarma
Dr S. C. Das Dr S. N. Acharya
247 12-06-2010 Cap. CourseMode of action of drugDr Sandip Patel
248 10-04-2010 Cap. CourseDrug absorption and metabolismDr Sandip Patel
249 10-04-2010 Cap. CourseDrug absorption and metabolismDr Sandip Patel
250 13-03-2010 Workshop3 Days National Terminology Workshop on Arishtha VigyaniyaEminent Speakers from India
251 23-09-2009 WorkshopNational Terminology Workshop on VatavyadhiEminent Speakers from India
252 19-04-2009 Nat.SeminarRecent Advances in Ayurveda - Gujarat ChapterEminent Speakers from India
253 19-04-2009 CMERecent Advances in Ayurveda - Gujarat ChapterEminent Speakers from India
254 18-03-2009 CMEScientific Approach towards PanchakarmaDr Santosh Bhattad
Dr Atul Bhavasar
255 08-01-2009 PDPCommunication skills & positive attitude - BAMS 1st yearMr Kanan Malde
256 29-12-2008 CMEScope of Ayurveda in AbroadDr U. K. Krishna
257 27-11-2008 CMEScope of Ayurveda in Management of CancerDr Tapan Vaidya
Dr Harita Shankar
